The FMID project had the opportunity to welcome seven youth workers and educator in Schwerin, Germany. The LTTA was completed achieving its purpose. Participants were well informed about the project purpose and objectives, given information on how to create further resources themselves, and information on how to expand their practice into new online learning environments. Basically, the induction training designed to support the continuous professional development of youth education staff provides the perfect opportunity for educators from 6 different countries to come together and form a transnational community of practice focused on incorporating new technologies into the education of young learners for the challenges of the present and the future.
It is fundamental for the quality of the project, that events like this will be an added value in each participant and use the knowledge they gain for further use in their personal carries. In additions, participants had the opportunity to learn how to use the film making resources (PR1) in order to start their journey into the film making industry. Participants discussed the various opportunities that everyone can use in order to be a basic editor and gave overall feedback. This helped the consortium to take into consideration the feedback and make the necessary changes.